The Palmer Hours
The Palmer Hours is a book of hours based on MS Yates Thompson 13 (The Taymouth Hours), held in the British Library. The Taymouth Hours was made in England in c.1325 and contains the calendar and prayers appropriate for the Use of Sarum. The Palmer Hours contains the Sarum calendar, the full Hours of the Virgin, Penitential Psalms, Litany of the Saints, and Office of the Dead. Made with gouache paints, shell gold, and oak gall inks on pergamenata. Text block measures at 4.5 x 6 inches.
The corresponding documentation research paper is in the Articles section and contains more information on the book production as well as background on the Hours text content. Click the image to begin slideshow.

Calendar page for January, with medallions of a three-faced Janus feasting and Aquarius as a face in clouds, emitting water.

1v: Calendar page for February with medallions of a man in hat and cloak, warming one foot, and Pisces as two green fish. 2r: Calendar page for March with medallions of a man pruning vines and Aries, the ram, under a tree.

Calendar page for January, with medallions of a three-faced Janus feasting and Aquarius as a face in clouds, emitting water.